The Glacier Hills Credit Union logo is made up of an icon, a wordmark, and often includes the addition of a tagline, Own your journey. Selecting the right logo version, based on your medium and/or layout, is critical to ensuring correct brand presentation and consistency. Use the following examples to better understand the logo and how it can be used successfully. At the bottom of this page you will have the option to download logos in vector, JPEG, and PNG file formats. 



Logo Usage: Padding and Clear Space

Padding and clear space are a crucial part of the Glacier Hills Credit Union brand. Proper padding around logos and other brand assets insures a clean and professional look on each asset. Please keep this in mind when using any of the brand logos and ensure that it always has the correct amount of space to breathe. 


Using the path icon as a rule of thumb, always keep consistent amounts of padding around any logo lockup you're using. This prevents any text, graphics, or other assets from interfering with the logo.

Brand Asset: The Pathway

As shown in many examples, you may notice a faint dotted pathway floating through the body of the graphic or tucked into the corners. We call this asset the Pathway, for obvious reasons. It's a simple reminder to our members and audience that your journey can take you wherever you want and that no single path is better than another. 

This asset should be used as often as possible. However, like all brand assets, there are some simple rules to ensuring the consistency of this asset.


Tagline Usage

The tagline is an essential part of the brand but it doesn’t replace the logo. The tagline graphic should never be used by itself in any stand-alone graphic treatment without being accompanied by some version of the logo.

Additionally, the tagline asset can be used in three various forms: Left, Centered, and Right-aligned. In some graphic situations (as shown below), the tagline can be placed separately from the logo altogether. However, when this method is used, it is essential that one form of the logo is clearly shown in the piece. 


Logo Asset Downloads

Use the links below to download the Glacier Hills Credit Union logos in JPEG, PNG, or Vector (.eps) file formats. A complete brand pack is available in on the Downloads page.